Dubai Department of Economic Development (DED) has a commitment to saving time and energy when creating and renewing business licenses. Its processes are being continually upgraded to maximize efficiency and encourage ease of business. You can apply online to get your license renewal. Every business setup in Dubai should have a trade license from the Department of Economic Development (DED) authority.
How to renew trade license in Dubai. A company can renewed their license in three easy steps by taking a number of online and offline portals of the DE these steps are as following. It is significant to know that your tenancy contract is legitimate from the date of application till three months.
In case of default in renewal of the company and obtaining of new license, the bank may also suspend all company account transactions. The tenancy contract should have a minimum validity of one month, and the longer the better. Place of business is extremely important when it comes to company license renewal Dubai, thus double-check on the validity of your company ’s tenancy contract in order to avoid delays in getting a business license.
Emirates companies House LLC offers various services. Passport copy of all the Partners are requiring for normal trade license in Dubai. There is a 30-day grace period after the expiry of the trade license , during which the company can either renew the trade license or cancel it.
Dubai trade license renewal grace period. On an annual basis, these business entities are required to follow the practice of trade license renewal in Dubai as well as around UAE. The Dubai Economic Development (DED) offers several options to renew trade license in Dubai.

Also, business setup companies in Dubai offer effective and easy ways to renew business license. Trade license is the most important document for business setup in dubai. B2B Business Setup consultants offers best service for getting trade license and send you reminder for trade license renewal. All documents will be delivered at your doorstep. Trade License , Dubai – Application and Renewal When it comes to applying for a trade license , Dubai businesses may encounter difficulties due to unfamiliarity of the entire application process.
The Department of Economic Development (DED) regulates, monitors, and manages the licensing procedures for every enterprise in the emirate. To avoid any inconvenience from interruption of services on account of an expired license , Dubai Development Authority sends license renewal notifications to businesses along with guidelines on the required process. License Renewal All companies operating in the Free Zone must hold a valid license at all times. License Cancellation Local and Foreign Branch in Dubai The procedures apply to most legal forms of licenses of different businesses. Business Setup Dubai is a tеаm of rеgіѕtered professionals who аrе focused and market- oriented аbоut brіngіng the dreams оf аѕріrіng еntrерrеnеurѕ аnd SME’ѕ to life.

Dubai company register: Get a free quote by filling your details in the form on the right and know more on how to get a business license in Dubai. The requirements of trade license and the permissions required from various agencies and government ministries can vary depending on the category of the business. Question 2: If the driving license is issued in Dubai and the visa is from another emirate, can the customer renew the driving license online? Answer 2: Yes, the customer can renew the license online after making sure that all the details of the traffic file are updated on the traffic system according to the new residence visa. Guide to Renew Your Trade License Dubai.
Dubai has a brand name as the most influential business center of the Arab Gulf region. Every company established in Dubai is required to annually renew their Trade License , the license is the legal document that allows companies to engage in the activities specified within the proper documentation in the UAE and accordance with the regulatory requirements. Whether before or after its expiration, license can be renewed online through DED Web site. On Business Dashboard page, under My Transactions, click Renew License. A Commercial license can be formed as a Branch of a Foreign Company will get 1 ownership in Dubai , UAE.

At Business Link UAE we provide assistance for our clients for company registration in Dubai , setting up commercial license company in Dubai , UAE. To register a company in Dubai , one must have a Business (Trade) License in Dubai. There are a number of Dubai company registry and registrars that offer this license to those looking to register a company in Dubai.
Updated documents such as renewed business license , filed annual return, confirmation receipt, may only be available after the completion of the renewal. Failure to pay the annual renewal fees by the due date will result in the company to lose its good standing. Authorities may impose a penalty for late annual fees.
Based on these documents, the DED will release a commercial license for your company in Dubai. You have to submit another set of documents to apply for commercial license renewal in Dubai. The license is valid for year, after which it can be renewed.
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